Your Cosmetic Acupuncture Questions Answered
How does facial acupuncture (also known as cosmetic acupuncture) work?
Acupuncture needles are inserted into the muscles of the face and underneath fine lines and wrinkles causing micro-trauma. This stimulates your immune system to repair the area with collagen and elastin.
Collagen is a naturally occurring protein in connective tissue that gives our skin strength and structure. Elastin is also a protein in our connective tissue and is responsible for the skins ability to “bounce back” and maintain its shape. The needles also increase circulation to the face and release tense muscles that can lead to line formation.
How many treatments does it take?
Collagen and elastin do not form overnight. It takes consistent micro-trauma for the body to produce enough to see fine lines, wrinkles, sagging, shape and scarring improve. We recommend 12 treatments over 2-3 months, with twice a week being optimal. A package option of 11 treatments is available for $1,760 (normally $1925 if purchased a la carte).
What is included in a facial acupuncture treatment?
The skin is a direct reflection of internal health. As such, we are not just treating the face. East Asian medicine uses a holistic approach that addresses imbalances that may be causing dryness, signs of aging, acne, redness etc.
Treatments begin with full body acupuncture, followed by facial acupuncture. Plant based skincare products tailored to your skins specific needs are applied and followed up with facial gua sha and cupping to decrease puffiness, lift and sculpt the neck and cheeks, drain lymph and increase blood flow. You’ll receive ongoing support regarding herbs, nutrition, movement therapies and supplements that will enhance the effects of the treatment and address any additional health concerns.
How long does it last?
Results last 3-5 years depending on lifestyle habits. It is critical to protect your skin from sun damage and continue to address stress, sleep and nutrition in the years following your treatment. Maintenance treatments are recommended quarterly, bi monthly or monthly depending on your age and skin concerns.
Facial acupuncture results can be remarkable and the best part is, its all you! This holistic and natural approach is often what draws clients to this form of skincare. It’s important to note that results are not analogous to botox, face lift or other surgical cosmetic procedure. As such, results are not immediate and take time to produce because we are stimulating your body’s own collagen response and working with lifestyle changes.
It is impossible to completely arrest the aging process. Our intention in this approach is to stimulate graceful aging while encouraging a relationship with self that honors this natural lifelong transition.
How to maximize treatment outcomes
After your initial treatment you’ll be given a customized treatment plan. This includes everything from lifestyle recommendations to nutrition and supplementation. When the lifestyle component is addressed (think sleep, stress, digestion etc.) results drastically improve. Why? Lifestyle impacts the health of our skin. If you are not drinking water, it’s unlikely that dryness will completely resolve. If an unaddressed food sensitivity is causing acne, it’s unlikely that facial acupuncture will completely prevent breakouts. Your at home involvement impacts the outcome of this procedure. We work with you throughout your treatments to support you in lifestyle adjustments, you just have to be onboard!
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